Seeded Name Tags

Seeded name tags are available blank, with guest name printing or with both some guests names printed and some blank to accommodate late replies. We will also pop some off cuts in for you to practice writing on – we suggest taking these to your local office supplier such as Officeworks and practicing at their pen bar.

Please refer to our design guidelines page.

Note: We are unable to print names / guest details on the front and the back.

Timing of name tag delivery

  • Allow 6 business days for printing and delivery (ex WA)
  • Artwork to be approved at least 3 business days prior to provision of final name list (to allow print and name guest details testing – please provide short and long name / business name details)
  • Final name list to be provided proof read and in an excel spreadsheet
  • Artwork to be provided without names merged
  • To ensure availability and seed paper please book in required dates as early as possible to ensure availability of seed types and print schedule